Uniconn Divot Repairs
With our new Uniconn Divot Bags now in use it is encouraging to see good early uptake from players. The following guidance may assist you with the best practise for repairing your own divots and, if time allows, any others you are able.


if you come across an old divot which lies empty then fill the hole with divot mix to a level surface and firm in with your foot. You may come across old divots with a dried up piece of turf, this is more common in the areas where thatch remains high. In this case you can remove the dried up piece of turf and discard into a bin. The hole should be filled to a level surface with seed mix and trod down.


Treat these as above for any areas where you are unable to return the displaced grass. Otherwise when replacing a grass divot sprinkle a light covering of seed mix over the area and again tread down lightly.

Using this system as best as we can will greatly free up time for our greens team to work on other areas and over time improve the quality of our tees and fairways.

Many Thanks.

David Forsyth.
Courses Convenor.