Elite Athletes
13th January 2021
In light of the UK Government’s instruction to close golf courses and facilities with immediate effect from 4th January, it is important to clarify the Club's policy on coaching of 'elite athletes' and their ability to practise throughout this new national lockdown.

The Government's guidance on "Elite Sport Stage One - Return to Training" defines an ‘elite athlete’ as a person who is:

1. An individual who derives a living from competing in a sport

2. A senior representative nominated by a relevant sporting body

3. A member of the senior training squad for a relevant sporting body, or

4. On an elite development pathway.

In terms of amateur golf, England Golf’s definition of an elite sports person under alert level 5 guidance is as follows:

• A current member of an England national squad

Therefore the Club has given permission to several of our members to continue using the practice facilities (but not the golf course) as per the above definitions.

David Holmes
General Manager