Open Singles Results 15th & 16th July 2020
Open Singles Results 15th & 16th July 2020
Open Singles Results 15th & 16th July 2020

1st Callum Hayes(17) 66 Nett
2nd Kevin Lynch(14) 67 Nett
Gross Tony Cleary(+1) 69 Gross
3rd Mark Sweeney(12) 69 Nett(B9)
4th Barry Scanlan(11) 69 Nett (B9)
5th Brian Carty(20) 69 Nett (B9)

CSS Wednesday: Men: 70/Visitors 71/Ladies 76 R/O
CSS Thursday: Men 71/Ladies 73

A huge congratulations to young Callum Hayes who had a hole in one on the 8th hole! You've got something a lot of us have never got so well done Callum!