Course, Competitions & Golf Etiquette
Dear Member

Now the golf season is in full swing i just wanted to remind members of a few things so we can all enjoy our golf.

1) Please ensure you rake bunkers after use, there is nothing more frustrating than going in a bunker that has not been raked or has been poorly raked.

2) Please ensure pitch marks are repaired.

3) Please keep up with the pace of play. If you feel you are dropping behind then let groups through.

3) As you are all aware the rough it particularly thick at present due to the weather both during the winter and then over the last few weeks due to rain then brilliant sunshine. With this in mind and to try and speed up play if you think you have hit the ball into the rough please play a provisional ball as a precaution as this will help with players not having to go back to play another ball.

4) Many competitions at present are medals. Some members are under the impression that they cannot NR (no return) on a particular hole and think they have to score on every hole irrelevant of the number of shots taken, which can increase the time is taken on a particular hole. If you don't score on a hole it will NR your competition round, but it does not NR your round for handicap purposes. If you don't score it will go down as a net double bogey for handicap purposes. I am not stating that you don't score on every hole, I am just clarifying things in case members thought they had too.

5) I know Paul Law and his team are working hard on the course and are trying to catch up on lost time due to the wet winter we have had. They are aware of the rough and a few bunkers that need repairing and drainage adding. This is a priority but they also have to balance that with the rest of the work that is required on a daily basis so please bear with them. Until the bunker on the right of the 12th green is sorted out there will be a drop zone in the semi rough to the right of the bunker for members to drop into should they hit a shot into this bunker marked GUR. With the drop zone being in the semi rough it will allow members a chance of getting a good connection whereas at present you have to drop out of the bunker at the nearest point of relief which often is on a very worn and hard area of ground. Once the bunker is repaired the drop zone will disappear. Hopefully this will only be for a short period of time.


John Mackie
Golf Director