MAJOR - Memorial Shield 27th April
Booking now open
Booking is now open for the Memorial Shield MAJOR on 27th April

Please book via the PSI terminal in the clubhouse or the Howdidido app by selecting Booking from the options menu & choosing the time zone you wish to enter. You will then receive an e-mail to confirm your booking.

Booking will close on Monday 22nd April and the draw made in the evening

Major competitions are always well subscribed so if you cannot play in the competition, please do not book a slot that someone else could use.

Please note: Away players are not eligible to enter major competitions

New members can enter but cannot win a major competition in their first year of membership unless they have a full WHS handicap history.

Points to note from previous major:
Entry fee details are posted on the noticeboard
Rounds in majors take a long time (NB: this issue is caused by members, not visitors)- book your time slot accordingly
Withdrawals after draw is made are cause for suspension
Entering your scores via the PSI terminal in the clubhouse or via the Howdidido App are part of the rules of entry to the competition. Scorecards MUST be returned.