Midweek Matches
Perfect day for golf
The last Captain and Pro of the JC reign saw a match halved, with challengers Stuart Rollings and Stewart Robinson. Post match, in the front bar, the newsroom learned Captain JC was a little indignant being asked to hole a 12 inch putt to secure the half. Never better than even odds on that going in, so fair call?

Last week’s postponed midweek Stableford was played today on what was our first real spring day and the scoring reflected that.

Congratulations to Jamie Terry, a Sunday roll-up regular, with a fine 41 points clinching the win from Saturday’s victor, Mark Nimmo, on count back. Matthew Dickinson came in third and also took the scratch win. Jamie, Mark and Matthew all had twos along with Paul Robertson, Ian Stidworthy, Craig Thomson, Jim O’Hara, Craig Jones, Scott Ingram and Richard Barlow.

Don’t forget the AGM and drive-ins on Saturday

We are now on WhatsApp so add us to your contacts
The Richmond Golf Club - 07881 448008
We will be using this as an additional tool for last minute course info and news