Know when to play your ace!
Ladies victorious against Puttenham
There’s never a bad time to get a hole in one (unless, maybe, it’s a hot summers day, and the bars are packed, front, back and out front!) but the best has got to be in a match. That’s exactly what Annette Readings did yesterday, playing in the ladies Pearsons team, against Puttenham. The Pearsons is a Surrey inter club winter comp for the Ladies, and Annette stunned her opposition by securing a hole in one on the 6th, on her way to winning her match.

The ladies team did not let this go to waste and went on to win 4/3. This was Annette’s first hole in one, a great time to get it and many congratulations to her and the team on their victory.

Pink Cava seemed to be the obvious celebratory choice of drink post match, being enjoyed here by (left to right) Ladies Captain Enid Hughes, Annette the Ace, Phillipa Lovell and Heidi Patton.

Cheers and thank you Enid for the release!