The new Community Golf Instructor
Community Golf Instructor
Register The new Community Golf Instructor training programme has been set up to create a dedicated new workforce to help grow the game in communities across the British Isles, with the focus of getting golf into schools, communities and beginner activity into golf clubs and activities.

Working in partnership with The Golf Foundation, the endorsement of The PGA, and the full backing and financial support of The R&A, the Home Nations have piloted training over recent months. After the success of the first stages of piloting, the programme is into its final stage of testing with in-person sessions, live webinars and eLearning through October to December.

Once trained, instructors will be able to lead beginner and introductory activity independently, working in a paid or voluntary capacity, without it affecting their ‘amateur status’ as a golfer. This will create a new diverse workforce to take golf out to the community.

Training courses will begin in 2024. To register your interest, click on the word register