That Was the Weekend that Was
Nothing to Upstage The Stage
The penultimate Friday roll-up had joint winners this week, with Tim Hutchence and IPC Jonty Abare, taking the spoils. Tim is now outright leader, going into the final round next Friday 27th, but there a still a few in contention for the trophy.

Saturday dawned very wet, to such an end that the Stableford competitions were called off. They were, however, a long way off the main event of the day, which had to be the Stage show Saturday evening. This is a long running tradition, where the Stage Golfing Society produce their annual show, consisting of various hilarious send-ups, from the past year at our club, in honour of The Club and Stage’s friendship. As you will know, from earlier news pieces, this relationship has run for 75 years and long may it continue.

We could not hope to do the show justice in this report (especially due to the fact I had an unmovable prior engagement and could, very regrettably, not attend!). Suffice to say we have only heard glowing reports and happily should be able to bring you some clips later in the week.

The day after the show, is the annual match twixt Club and Stage and how the heavens smiled on us with the weather! Twenty-two games were played with a shot gun start, in pretty much perfect conditions for the time of year. A splendid curry lunch followed in the Cube Room.

With some convivial live music, creating a backdrop to the jovial banter.

On to the serious stuff of the results and with The Club winning eleven, three games halved and The Stage winning eight The Club took the trophy 12.5 to 9.5

Captain of The Stage Golfing Society, Mike Winsor, presenting Club captain, John Cahill with the trophy. Well played The Club - a little revenge for losing the committees match earlier in the year.

And finally - those familiar with MacDonald’s “Like Getting Your Money’s Worth?” tv ad campaign may be interested that, just before going to press, I received a call from their marketing department asking to buy copyrights to this image.

Something to do with the Pink Stableford being a fortnight ago?!

That’s all folks!

Any contributions for That Was the Weekend that Was gratefully received. Email me here