Snooker Room
Snooker Room
Club Refurbishment in the 19th Lounge

I hope everyone has had the opportunity to enjoy the newly refurbished bar and seating area in the 19th Lounge. The general opinion appears to be very positive, and I thank members for that.

Next week we will commence with the decorating and recarpeting of the snooker room.
As part of this phase, we have been considering the removal of one of the snooker tables to create more room for seating and dining.

The snooker tables are seldom both in use at the same time and yet they restrict how this area can be used. As there appears to be little demand for second hand snooker tables, I would also appreciate any suggestions for disposing or relocating the table in the event us making the decision to proceed.

Many of you have already expressed your opinions in general conversation and I believe the consensus is that one table be removed.

However, to assist us, I would like members to have the opportunity to officially express their views.

All comments and suggestions will be gratefully received and should be made by email direct to the General Manager ( or myself (

A decision needs to be made within the next 7days, before we commence the replacement of the flooring. Council will try to base its choice on your responses, but, in the event of a lack of replies, we will assume your agreement with our decision.

Council and I are thankful for your continued support with this major project and look forward to receiving your opinions.

The Captain