PGC Chair's New Year Update
16th January 2022
Dear Member,

I would like to wish you a happy new year, hoping that we have better times ahead for the 2022 golfing season. I would also like to take a moment to remember all those members we have lost during this past year. Friends and family members who are still very much in our thoughts and will be greatly missed as we move into the new year.

This is an update for the general matters concerning the club and golf course, a more extensive report will be given at the A.G.M on Saturday 19th March.

Mackenzie and Ebert Course Improvement Project:

Further to the email sent out in December, I am happy to report that we have had a good response from members regarding the financing of the project. However, if any member is still interested in supporting the club, then please email David Holmes ( regarding your interest. We have nearly reached our goal and your support would be very much appreciated. The tender documents will be completed by the end of January and a number of potential contractors have been identified. It is anticipated that they will be appointed in March.

The Course:

I am sure many of you have seen the work that has been carried out to upgrade the steps and paths on the 4th, 11th and 14th holes. These are significant improvements which underline the Board's commitment to invest in similar projects in the coming years.

For Mark and his team, it has been another challenging winter with milder but wetter conditions (over 400mm of rain since the beginning of November) but despite this, the winter maintenance programme is progressing well. Unfortunately, the wet ground conditions have meant that there have been some full and partial course closures as well as other restrictions. Whilst I appreciate that this can be frustrating for members, it is important that we take the necessary steps now so that the course can be presented in the best possible condition for the beginning of the 2022 season. A more detailed communication from the Green Committee on this and the remaining winter programme will follow shortly.

Handicaps and Fixtures:

The fixture list, including details of competitions and matches for the period April 2022 to September 2022 is virtually complete and we shall be posting it on the club website this week so that members will have plenty of notice of the events that will be taking place.

Details of the 2022 knockout competitions will be posted online in the middle of February, with entries to be confirmed by the middle of March, in order that matches can be played from the start of the season and the finals completed by the end of July/early August.

The updated Competition Guidance documents for the Gentlemen’s and the Ladies’ Sections will be posted online by the end of January which should be helpful, particularly for the newer members.

Due to the curtailed playing season and the fact that all of the information is/will soon be available online, it was been decided not to print a Members' Handbook this year. Members can still view the diary/fixtures via BRS and can find other members' contact details via the Members' Hub/ClubV1 app.

Membership and Marketing:

Like many clubs we have again been inundated with applications for membership (more than 50 during 2021), with a similar number to the amount received the previous year. However, whilst we could just about accommodate this demand in 2020, this year saw us reach our maximum number of members (750 across all categories), as dictated by our Articles of Association.

We have also had to consider the fact that we need to limit the number of male playing members to avoid undue pressure not only on the course but also for competitions.

We now have a waiting list for men, 28 at the year end, and applications continue to be received. We are still conducting membership interviews, but applicants are being made aware of the waiting list and that places will only be allocated when vacancies occur.

Application for membership for ladies remains open.

We normally see movement in the membership categories in April, so it is hoped that some of those on the waiting list can be accommodated during the 2022 season. A waiting list reflects the quality of our club and course, it also provides a degree of security, knowing that we will have a full membership going forward.


The challenges of Covid induced restrictions continued during 2021, culminating in the cancellation of many of the planned Christmas events. With the new year we are hopeful of an improvement in the restrictions and the threat of Covid.

Neil and his staff have offered table service of extremely high quality and the casual staff under the guidance and leadership of Dale and Lee require a special mention for their grace and efficiency in providing the membership with excellent service.

Neil has settled in well to his new role whilst continuing to manage and oversee house matters. He has proved invaluable to visitors and members alike for his ability and patience as a first port of call in the office.

During these challenging times Richard and Claire have continued to provide us with a rich and varied menu of the highest standards via our casual and formal functions. Their popular Sunday lunches continue with the first of the new year on Sunday 23rd January, followed by another on Sunday 13th February. Additional dates will be announced soon.

Richard and Claire would like to thank the members for their support in 2021, which proved to be their busiest year to date at PGC, and are looking forward to seeing everyone soon as they prepare their menus and events for 2022.


The lower terrace extension has been an enormous success, having been completed in time for the start of the 2021 season. It proved invaluable during the pandemic with the associated need for social distancing and increased demand for al fresco dining.

The lower car park refurbishment and extension has also been a great success.
The next development will be the refurbishment of the gentlemen’s showers, which will begin in late January for completion for the start of the season in March. This includes both an increase to six showers and a more spacious layout.

Captain and Lady Captain:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nick Wood for the dedication he has given to his role as Captain of the Gentlemen's Section for 2020 and 2021. He has worked tirelessly in his promotion of the club during his time as Captain and, having spent several years on the Board of Directors, is probably looking forward to a well earned rest and being able to enjoy playing golf without any responsibilities! We look forward to welcoming our Captain elect, Carl Phelan, and wish him well during his year.

I would like to thank Helen Bolam, who also served two years of Captaincy for the Ladies Section. She has steered the Ladies through two difficult years and we appreciate all the hard work and dedication that she displayed in often quite testing situations. I would like to welcome our new Lady Captain, Angie Riordan, and wish her a happy and successful year.

A few dates for the Ladies Diaries:

Thursday 10th February – Ladies Charity Bridge Drive.
Thursday 3rd March – Charity Lunch with Guest Speaker.
Tuesday 29th March - First Presentation and Prize Giving.

This will be a busy year for the club. I hope we have a warmer spring enabling the grass to grow well and not too much rainfall. However, this is the North West of England – we can but hope!

Wishing you all a successful playing season.

Yours sincerely

Mary Staton