Slow Play
Please find information regarding slow play
Pace of play is a growing concern for all golfers, at Aldersey Green Golf Club our course can offer a superb golfing experience to Members and Visitors of all abilities. It is perfectly possible to complete a four-ball round in three and a half hours. Slow play usually results from failure to clear the green promptly or from being unprepared to play your shot immediately it is your turn.

We do ask that golfers be mindful of their position on the course and that they monitor progress against the following guidelines:

• 3rd hole - 30 mins
• 6th hole - 60 mins
• 10th hole - 2 hours max
• 15th hole - 3 hours
• 18th hole 4 hours

Members and visitors are expected to maintain their position on the course in relation to the above timetable provided or let others play through when asked.

All golfers have a responsibility for the resolution of slow play, golfers should expect to be challenged by others if not maintaining the pace of play required.

How to avoid slow play:
• Having played a wayward shot, the golfer should immediately consider whether a provisional ball should be played.
• If the game behind is waiting, they MUST be waved through. Recommended practice is for the two groups to then play their approach shots to the green, the group waved will hole out and proceed ahead.
• When approaching a green, golfers should consider where the next tee is located and leave their clubs appropriately to ensure that the green is cleared promptly upon conclusion of play.
• Walk smartly between shots, be prepared to play your shot immediately on your turn. In bounce games, play 'ready golf' (ie. agree with your partner that all play when ready whether furthest from the hole or not)
• Marking scores should only be done when time permits and not upon conclusion of play at any given hole.

Your co-operation in eradicating this malaise will be greatly appreciated.