Golf Club - Re-Opening Protocols
General Manager's Update
On behalf of myself, the staff and Club Council we are delighted to welcome you all back to the golf club from Monday 18th May. We are fortunate that golf is one of the first sports to return to some degree of normality and all the stake-holders who brought this to fruition have our thanks. We would also like to place on record our thanks to David Curran and the team for carrying out the permitted essential maintenance during the period of closure this has allowed us to return to our course in a more than acceptable standard.

Paramount in our thoughts now is allowing you, our members, to enjoy your game in a safe environment. This practical guide has been prepared to inform everyone of how golf will operate during Phase 1 of our re-opening. The measures are, we believe, robust and will be monitored by all staff in the coming weeks. For you, the golfers, the guide covers each step of the journey from home to the appointed tee box and back home again. These measures are in place from start to end of play seven days a week until further updated. The measures and protocols are under constant review and refinement and will be updated as the need arises or in line with government, health authority or governing body updates.

We ask for your complete co-operation with the measures listed herein as no doubt golf courses will be under extreme scrutiny in the coming weeks. We hope that through our adherence to these protocols we will work successfully toward the gradual lifting of the current restrictions and a return to as close to normal operations as possible in due course.

For the Full Text, Click Here

Click Here for the COGNU Protocol for the Return to Golf

Please enjoy your golf and stay safe.

General Manager