Competition Four-Ball Betterball
From 1st April 2024, a Betterball Competition where 2 players play as a pair could in certain circumstances count towards your Handicap Index.
For this to happen: - the paired score must achieve 42 points or more and 1 players score must count towards the team score on 9 or more holes.
This triggers an automatic sending of the 1 players score to the WHS, where the players individual score is automatically calculated ie where the players score counted they receive those points achieved, where the players score did not count they receive 1.5, 1 or 0 points depending on their partner’s score.
This is automatically calculated, it is not a process that SbN has any influence on or control off at all.
Attached is as infographic that explains the process of calculation.
If you play and the Betterball circumstances trigger a calculation you will find the score in your handicap record.
4BBB Infographic.pdf