Club V1 Members Hub
How to Install & Use
A NEW APP is available ( CLUB V1 members hub) on Google Play, Apple Store or Windows , and the instructions on how to install & register it are at this link: Club V1 Members Hub – Guidance on how to install and register
When you have registered and logged in, it will give you a similar screen to HOWDIDIDO with some different facilities. If you click on a bookable competition the system will transfer you to the HOWDIDIDO site automatically, and this is normal.
If you click on the orange profile above your name (or your picture if you have set this up) you can submit any changes to your contact details. You must do this ASAP if any changes occur, as this information is no longer checked at renewal. NB: This has to be authorised by the club, to avoid someone making changes "for a laugh", when they have got access to your phone etc. etc.
Also, you can now see the last 30 transactions in your own members account by selecting the competition balance, but if you are using a mobile phone you may need to turn it to landscape to see the full transaction details.